My Sadguru has always been with me and continues to be. It’s often said that when you tread the spiritual path correctly, it’s like diving from a height into water: initially, you sink deep, but gradually, you rise, float, and start swimming. That’s exactly what happened to me. When I called upon my Sadguru in complete surrender and helplessness, they introduced Reiki into my life. From that point, a new beginning unfolded, giving my life a fresh direction and purpose. A soul purpose that had been hidden somewhere since childhood was now awakened anew.
I began my career as a trainer by chance, discovering a talent I hadn’t realized resided within me. After navigating numerous ups and downs, I have emerged as a balanced and a new individual, helping others grow and find happiness in their lives.
Hello there!!
I am Pranali—a Healer, NLP Coach, Angel Therapist, Parenting Coach, Mentor, and Trainer.
Invite you to Embrace the harmony of Mind, Body, and Spirit 🌿 with this beautiful and most powerful universal cosmic energy that resides within each of you, just.. awaiting rediscovery and activation. Join me on this wonderful and pure journey to reach that light✨💫

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